Congratulations to Boris Leroy, of the Universite de Rennes! Boris won the Student Distinction Award at the 26th European Congress of Arachnology, and his prize was a copy of Spider Silk, donated by Yale University Press. Written with Mauro Paschetta, Morgane Barbet-Massin, Nicolas Dubos, Alain Canard, and Frederic Ysnel, Boris’s presentation addressed “The future of threatened spiders in the face of climate change: insights with Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck).” Because individual spider species have adapted to particular humidity and temperature ranges, they may serve as excellent indicators of how global climate change will affect the future distribution of various species of other animals. Boris and his colleagues modelled present and future distributions of D. plantarius, an endangered fishing spider, explaining how various models are constructed and how accurate they are likely to be. Read More